Here and Now

Greetings from Winnipeg, where snow is melting and self-isolation rules the day. I’ve decided to create a sticky post I can upkeep periodically that lets you know what I’m doing now since there always seem to be so many projects on the go. I lose track of themselves myself sometimes, so I’m sure that even my loyal readers lose track. So read on to know what’s happening here and now.

You may notice that I’ve updated my website. This is part of a massive web re-update as I re-design and re-connect all of my online homes. This remains my core online home, as it will, although for various reasons I’ve moved my online store. Check out the new online store and consider making a purchase that will help me carry through this difficult economic period, where my teaching opportunities have begun to dry up.

I have two primary creative projects on the go at present.

The first is The Eye Collector, a comic book series that I’m writing based very loosely on ETA Hoffmann’s short story “Der Sandmann” (1816).

This revives an old project, my MA thesis (a screenplay written under the supervision of Dr. George Toles), although it bears very little resemblance to that earlier project.

The writing of this comic is supported by a grant from the Winnipeg Arts Council, for which I am grateful, and I’m collaborating with artist GMB Chomichuk with lettering done by Lyndon Radchenka.

Learn more about this project on my new Comics page. I am moving more fully into comics writing, something I always dreamed of doing.

The second is Kanada, a novel. This book began as a novella written under the guidance of Dr. Suzette Mayr, an outstanding novelist that you need to read, and the expansion and completion of which is supported by a grant from the Manitoba Arts Council.

Both of those projects are developing well and you should expect more, and more concrete, news on them both by June.

My other core focus is working on freelance client work. I’m not at liberty to talk about most of those projects, because they are technically not my projects, but I will tell you more later on. I’m editing a book of short stories for a publisher, and writing sales copy and doing interviews for a video game company, and lots of other fun things that I’m excited to do.

I have a secret project in the works, which you will learn more about shortly …

… and I am reading through my unread comics pile. Right now, I’m enjoying SAGA by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples. I also just read the first trade paperback of MONSTRESS by Marjorie Liu and Sina Takeda, which I highly recommend. I am reading the classic SAGA OF THE SWAMP THING run by Alan Moore, which is brilliant.

My access to new comics is on hold, because I don’t like to read digital comics, but before locking down my two favourite comics series were the purely awesome and horrific SOMETHING IS KILLING THE CHILDREN by James Tynion IV, Werther Dell’Edera, and Miquel Muerto and the absolutely brilliant and bone-chilling horror title GIDEON FALLS by Jeff Lemire, Andrea Sorrentino, and Dave Stewart. If you only read one comic this year, read GIDEON FALLS.

I’m working hard to keep you entertained and informed with new podcasts, so keep listening to Writing the Wrong Way and subscribe if you haven’t already.

If you don’t already, considering showing your support on my Patreon, which I also have big plans to develop. Everything helps in a hard time. Rest assured, I am trying to make the most of things by really developing my online presence and offerings and working on great new books, and finding more and better ways for me to connect with you.

The First One's Free.

The First One's Free.

To celebrate (over) a decade since my first book, I’m offering it for free.

EX MACHINA is a choose-your-own-adventure-style poetry-novel hybrid about how machines have changed what it means to be human.

Fill out this form so we can stay in touch, and I’ll send you the book.