Clockfire XCVI

Some Clockfire love on the 95 Books blog:

96. Clockfire by Jonathan Ball

I can only think of this book in terms of adjectives – grim, lecherous, brilliant, seductive, horrific! Each of the plays described by the poems are equally impossible and posit truly nightmare-ish possibilities. These poems linger! I have been thinking about them since the launch. My favorite is the one in which the sun explodes and the play has only eight minutes left to exist.


The First One's Free.

The First One's Free.

To celebrate (over) a decade since my first book, I’m offering it for free.

EX MACHINA is a choose-your-own-adventure-style poetry-novel hybrid about how machines have changed what it means to be human.

Fill out this form so we can stay in touch, and I’ll send you the book.